Taking into consideration the enormous capacity of this market, we concluded that investing money into production has the largest possible economical effect, since gross capital expenditure is usually only required at the initial stage of creating a technological production line. In other words, we invest a huge amount of money into the means of production, since the price of the raw materials is almost incomparable with other expenses and the final profit. For example, the price of the raw materials required for manufacturing a 2 carat synthetic ruby is 1 cent, while the price of a 1 carat synthetic ruby may reach $2, which is 200 times more. Understanding that our manufactured goods will always be sold, regardless of the economic situation in general, paved the way for locating our main production facilities in China. As everyone knows, China is one of the most economically powerful countries in the world. Investment, made into manufacturing facilities of gemstone production located in China, is a correct and beneficial strategy. Cheap resources and simplified tax policy of this country provide opportunities for growth and increased profits. We easily managed to double our output of synthetic rubies, sapphires, and hydrothermal emeralds, which are widely used in both technological production and jewelry industry. They provoke market competition due to alternative low prices in comparison to natural analogues. The result of applying such a technology is the emergence of new opportunities for the company’s growth and the increase in gross income of SOLNEX by 450% in comparison to 2025. This increases the cost and credibility of our company in the international market of manufacturing and selling synthetic gemstones, as well as the attractiveness in terms of investments, which creates preconditions for growth and development of SOLNEX.